
Common Dating Mistakes We All Make

September 19th, 2015



Common Dating Mistakes We All Make From Time To Time That You Can Avoid

We all get excited about dating someone new, however, many of us can make silly mistakes dating as well. The bad news is that you may not know what specific mistakes you are making that are affecting your chances with the opposite sex. The good news is that you will after reading this article.

Here are some common dating mistakes that both men and women can make that affect their chances with the opposite sex.

  1. No excitement or enthusiasm in your life – People who are doing exciting things in their life or are enthusiastic about what it is they are doing with their lives are the best kind of people to be around. They are passionate, love life, and it’s infectious for people to be around.
  2. Sharing things about yourself and being open – You don’t have to reveal your whole life story within the first few dates, besides that would just take away the mystery, but you do need to reveal some intimate details about yourself. If you open yourself up then your partner will feel compelled to also open up and this is what leads to connections.
  3. Wearing clothing appropriate for the date – This is a common sense one but still deserves a mention. People who dress appropriately for a date depending on the social setting show social intelligence, something both parties will find attractive.
  4. Making eye contact – Make eye contact during contact. Just be normal with it, no strong staring, or strange looks. It helps to build trust, attraction, and create a connection.
  5. Talking about your ex – This should be another one of those common sense things but it’s one people continue to make. Don’t start talking about your ex. No doubt it will come up at some point but save it for later in the relationship. This is an immediate mood killer on any date especially during the beginning stages of a relationship.

Watch out for these 5 common dating mistakes and your dates will go much smoother.