
Online Dating Fraud – Is There An Alternative To Online Dating?

January 3rd, 2016



Online Dating Fraud – Is there an Alternative to Online Dating?

Over the past couple of years there have been some bad press when it comes to online dating. In an article on dating by the BBC – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34656783 Action Fraud reports that over 3,500 people have succumbed to dating fraud between 2014 and 2015, and they blame the fact that when it comes to online dating, sites rarely check to see if members profiles are genuine, in fact it is believed that one in five dating profiles are fake. Online dating fraud is big business with an estimated £33 million being stolen through online dating scams last year alone. Such online dating scams have included unsuspecting daters paying out for travel expenses, helping out with medical bills or simply loaning money.

An Alternative to Online Dating.

So the question is, is there an alternative to online dating? Well for a more traditional approach, a quality dating agency could be the answer, where members are personally vetted to ensure they are who they say they are, that their photograph is up to date and that their information is stored securely. By eliminating the threats of fake profiles and false information you are more likely to meet a like-minded genuine single so it maybe the road to go down when looking for an alternative to online dating that is much safer, secure and one that may produce the results you are looking for, meeting that someone special.

Ultimate Attraction – An Alternative to Online Dating?

Ultimate Attraction is one such dating agency that offers an alternative to online dating where all members are personally vetted before becoming a member and checks are made to ensure they are who they say they are. Aimed at the higher market of business people and executives who live busy lives and just don’t have the time to get out and meet someone special, Ultimate Attraction use personal matchmakers to find potential partners that meet the high standards and criteria of their members. This alternative to online dating is a much more superior service than those dating agencies who offer free memberships and with a paid fee, it does mean that members are serious about meeting their perfect match. You can request a free consultation with Ultimate Attraction and their personal matchmakers will explain their membership levels and find one that suits you. Contact Ultimate Attraction today to arrange your free consultation on 0800 644 4190